- It’s not over saturated with similar digital products
- The book promises to save money, thus making it an investment
- It’s easy to target – people place their relationship status on Facebook and use a lot of predictable searches when they’re planning weddings
- The audience is young and thus likely tech-savvy enough to be interested in digital products as a whole
- The demographic is constantly changing: in other words, people are getting engaged all the time meaning that you’ll never saturate the market and run out of people to sell to
Product Selection – Affiliate Marketing

The most important key to your success before you set out is product selection. This is
what will help you to make sure there’s an audience for your product and what will
dictate what you write about, who your target demographic is, how much profit you
make and more.So to start out, you need to make a list of all the niches you would enjoy writing about
and that you have some experience in. This isn’t going to come into play right at the
start but it will make a big difference when it comes to promoting a blog and creating
your own audience somewhere down the line.What we’re interested in right now is finding a niche that isn’t over-saturated with
digital products and with affiliate offers. We’re going to start out with a digital product
because this will give you the most profit per sale which means you can get more
revenue from a smaller number of buyers. Later down the line, you might become
interested in selling physical products which have a much broader appeal – you can read
the full Affiliate Marketing Secrets eBook for an in-depth treatise on that subject.When you take a look at the digital products on a network like Clickbank or JVZoo,
something might jump out at you right from the start: they’re almost exclusively in the
‘make money online’ niche. In fact, if you take a look at the network ‘WSO’ (Warrior
Special Offers) then you’ll notice that this one is actually 100% products in that niche.I want you to resist the urge to choose this as your first niche. Why? Because as you can
see, it is already a highly competitive area to get into. If you try to sell a product in this
area, then you’ll be going up against pretty much every other affiliate marketer and
product creator on the net. As such, you’ll be paying considerably more for each of your
ads to appear on Facebook, Google AdWords or wherever else you choose to put them.
What’s more, you’ll find that you struggle to stand out to that audience. This particular
audience is very web savvy, they probably know exactly how the affiliate marketing
business model works and they’ve probably encountered some real duff products in this
niche. Even if you’ve chosen a product that is genuinely very high quality, your offer will
still be looked upon cynically and they will assume that you’re just out to make money.
They’ve been burned before, they’re inundated with such offers and it takes a lot more
marketing to sell to them.On the other hand though, selling something to a much smaller niche means that you
can pay considerably less for your ads and find an audience that hasn’t seen offers like
yours before. Potentially, you can offer them something that solves a real problem
they’ve been facing and promises to make their lives easier: which is exactly how you
make money.A great example of this is to choose a career. This is a very specific niche that you can
target directly through Facebook and indirectly through Google AdWords (AdWords ads
are ads that appear on Google searches). Pat Flynn is the owner of ‘Smart Passive
Income.com’ and he demonstrates how this can work with his ‘foodtruck’ niche. He has
a website that is aimed specifically at food truck drivers and he uses it to sell a digital
product that can help them to make more money from what they do. This is ideal
because there are millions of English-speaking food truck drivers around the world and
yet they’re not highly targeted with these kinds of products all the time.Earlier we discussed the wedding planning niche. An eBook on how to save money on
planning a wedding is a perfect niche for a few reasons: